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How To Make Not Your Grandma's Lugaw Congee (Filipino Congee)

Not Your Grandma's Lugaw Congee (Filipino Congee), We need prepare 9 Ingredients And 7 Steps

Ok now Easy Tutorial Not Your Grandma's Lugaw Congee (Filipino Congee)

Not Your Grandma's Lugaw Congee (Filipino Congee) You can cook Not Your Grandma's Lugaw Congee (Filipino Congee) by using 9 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you cook Not Your Grandma's Lugaw Congee (Filipino Congee).

Ingredients of Not Your Grandma's Lugaw Congee (Filipino Congee)

  1. Prepare 1 of small white onion or scallion.
  2. Prepare 2 clove of garlic (minced).
  3. Prepare 2 tsp of salt & pepper.
  4. You need to prepare 5 cup of water.
  5. Prepare 3 cup of long grain rice or Jasmine rice(wash rice first to lessen the startch).
  6. Prepare 1 of chicken broth cube.
  7. Prepare 3 tbsp of fish sauce.
  8. You need to prepare 2 tsp of ginger (minced).
  9. You need to prepare 1 kg of chicken legs and wings.

Not Your Grandma's Lugaw Congee (Filipino Congee) step by step

  1. Sautee garlic, onion/scallions and ginger together in a large pot..
  2. Then add the chicken. sautee for one minute..
  3. Put everything aside in a seperate bowl then start making rice in the same pot you sauteed your chicken..
  4. Add 3 cups rice and five cups water to boil. stir continuesly, add your salt,pepper and fish sauce.
  5. Put the chicken back to the boiling pot of rice and water. add your chicken broth cubes.
  6. Stir and cover. Cook in Medium Heat.
  7. Once it's ready it will have a sticky watery texture..

Thank you For exploring our simple blog about Not Your Grandma's Lugaw Congee (Filipino Congee), may our cooking recipe of Not Your Grandma's Lugaw Congee (Filipino Congee) usefull and work :) and please take our other recipe collection, there are over million Usefull recipes such as Not Your Grandma's Lugaw Congee (Filipino Congee) with 9 Ingredients And 7 recipe directions are available just for us

#How To Cook Not Your Grandma's Lugaw Congee (Filipino Congee), Cooking Not Your Grandma's Lugaw Congee (Filipino Congee), #Simple Recipe Not Your Grandma's Lugaw Congee (Filipino Congee), #Simple direction Not Your Grandma's Lugaw Congee (Filipino Congee), #Homemade Not Your Grandma's Lugaw Congee (Filipino Congee), #Step by step cooking Not Your Grandma's Lugaw Congee (Filipino Congee), #Delicous Not Your Grandma's Lugaw Congee (Filipino Congee), #How To Make Not Your Grandma's Lugaw Congee (Filipino Congee), #Food Not Your Grandma's Lugaw Congee (Filipino Congee)


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