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Ultimate Recipe: Hot n Spicy Fried Chicken with Honey

Hot n Spicy Fried Chicken with Honey, It Needs prepare 11 Ingredients And 6 Steps

Ok now Tutorial Cooking Of Hot n Spicy Fried Chicken with Honey

Hot n Spicy Fried Chicken with Honey We can cook Hot n Spicy Fried Chicken with Honey using 11 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you cook Hot n Spicy Fried Chicken with Honey.

Ingredients of Hot n Spicy Fried Chicken with Honey

  1. Prepare 1 of 4 lb chicken divided.
  2. Prepare 2 of bottles vegetable oil.
  3. You need to prepare 1 quart of buttermilk.
  4. You need to prepare 3 cup of all purpose flower.
  5. You need to prepare 1 tsp of paprika.
  6. You need to prepare 1 tsp of cayenne pepper.
  7. You need to prepare 2 tsp of garlic powder.
  8. You need to prepare 2 dash of hot pepper sauce.
  9. You need to prepare 1 tbsp of cayenne pepper.
  10. You need to prepare 1 of salt and pepper to taste.
  11. Prepare 1 of drizzle honey.

Hot n Spicy Fried Chicken with Honey instructions

  1. Sprinkle chicken pieces with salt and pepper, then place in baking dish..
  2. Whisk together buttermilk, 1 tsp cayenne pepper, and hot pepper sauce.
  3. Pour mixture over chicken and coat all sides. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for 4 to 6 hours.
  4. Remove chicken from mixture and shake off excess. Discard remaining mixture..
  5. Place the flour, garlic powder, 1 tbsp cayenne pepper, paprika, and salt and pepper to taste in a large zipper bag and shake to combine. Place two pieces of chicken at a time in the bag and shake to coat.
  6. Heat oil to 350°. Place chicken in oil and fry until cooked through and golden brown. Drain fried chicken and drizzle honey on top..

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