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Simple recipe: Beef Chives

Beef Chives, It Needs prepare 5 Ingredients And 2 Steps

Ok now How To Cook Beef Chives

Beef Chives We can cook Beef Chives by using 5 ingredients and 2 steps. Here is how you cook Beef Chives.

Ingredients of Beef Chives

  1. Prepare 1 bundle of chives.
  2. You need to prepare Half of big onion.
  3. Prepare of Black pepper.
  4. Prepare of Cooking wine.
  5. You need to prepare 1 of little salt.

Beef Chives step by step

  1. Marinate beef with salt.Heat a pan and add cooking oil.Make sure the cooking.oil is hot before tossing the beef.Mix it quickly until beef changes color.Remove and set aside..
  2. Stir fry onion until soft then add chives.Add cooking winel and black pepper.Cook it until half done.Mix with beef then serve.

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