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Simple recipe: Aloo paneer bird nest

Aloo paneer bird nest, We need prepare 9 Ingredients And 4 Steps

Ok now Easy Tutorial Aloo paneer bird nest

Aloo paneer bird nest You can cook Aloo paneer bird nest by using 9 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you achieve Aloo paneer bird nest.

Ingredients of Aloo paneer bird nest

  1. Prepare 4 of boiled potato.
  2. Prepare 1 cup of Vermisili.
  3. You need to prepare 2 of green chilli.
  4. Prepare As required of Coriander.
  5. Prepare 100 g of paneer.
  6. You need to prepare 1/4 teaspoon of roasted cumin powder.
  7. You need to prepare To taste of Salt.
  8. You need to prepare 1/4 teaspoon of chaat masala.
  9. You need to prepare 2 tabelspoon of refined flour.

Aloo paneer bird nest instructions

  1. First we boil the potato then after grate all the potatoes then mix all the spices chaat masala,Salt to taste,roasted cumin seeds powder,green chillies and make them a dough then give them the shape as provided in photo..
  2. In the second step,make a celery of refined flour and water and then dip these shaped nest into this.
  3. Then coat these dipped nest with the vermisilies provided and rest this for ½hour in fridge.Another side make 3 each small bowls of paneer..
  4. Then after resting of ½hour fry these nests in the deep oil till they become light brown and then after putting them in a plate give them a final touch,put the paneer balls, coriander leaves on this nest and serve them with coriander sauce and ketchup.they are super crispy and delicious..

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