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Ultimate Recipe: COCO Coconut Cake

COCO Coconut Cake, It Needs prepare 21 Ingredients And 8 Steps

Ok now Tutorial Cooking Of COCO Coconut Cake

COCO Coconut Cake You can cook COCO Coconut Cake using 21 ingredients and 8 steps. Here is how you achieve COCO Coconut Cake.

Ingredients of COCO Coconut Cake

  1. You need to prepare of maida / all-purpose flour.
  2. You need to prepare of Powdered Sugar.
  3. You need to prepare of Desicated Coconut.
  4. You need to prepare of coconut milk powder.
  5. Prepare of Coconut Milk.
  6. You need to prepare of Egg.
  7. Prepare of Melted Butter.
  8. You need to prepare of baking powder.
  9. You need to prepare of baking soda.
  10. You need to prepare of Layering.
  11. You need to prepare of Coconut Milk.
  12. You need to prepare of Powdered sugar.
  13. You need to prepare of corn flour.
  14. Prepare of Flower Decoration.
  15. You need to prepare of coconut milk.
  16. You need to prepare of ghee.
  17. You need to prepare of Dessecated Coconut.
  18. You need to prepare of Coconut Milk powder.
  19. You need to prepare of Decoration.
  20. Prepare of Dessecated Coconut.
  21. Prepare of Dry rose petals.

COCO Coconut Cake directions

  1. In a container beat one egg add Powdered sugar & melted butter to it beat well with a hand blender..
  2. Add maida, Coconut Milk powder, Dessecated Coconut, liquid Coconut Milk,baking powder & baking soda to the mixture. Blend well with the help of hand blender..
  3. Now take a bowl and grease it well with butter. Pour the batter evenly with care. Keep the container in preheated cooker and cover..
  4. It should take about 30 mins for the cake to bake..
  5. Let the cake cool down well..
  6. For Layer - Add corn flour to little milk and mix well without lumps. Now in a pan pour milk and add sugar to it. Mix the corn flour mixture to this milk and stir continuously to avoid lumps. Consistency should be thick. Let it cool down well. After it cools down layer it on the cake evenly. After the layering place the cake in fridge for 10-15 mins.
  7. Flower Decoration - Add ghee to a pan, then add Coconut liquid milk to it, add Coconut Milk powder and stir well. Add Dessecated Coconut to this and stir till the ingredients mix well and become dry in consistency. After the mixture cools down, mould it in the shape of flowers and keep aside. I have used beetroot juice for natural colour. You may use readymade food colour also..
  8. Now, remove the cake from the fridge, sprinkle Dessecated Coconut on the cake and sides evenly. After the whole cake is covered in Dessecated Coconut, place the moulded flowers on the cake as you want to decorate it..

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