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Ultimate Recipe: Andry's Spaghetti With Shrimps 'n Saffron In Lemon-tomato Sauce

Andry's Spaghetti With Shrimps 'n Saffron In Lemon-tomato Sauce, We use prepare 11 Ingredients And 11 Steps

Ok now Easy Tutorial Andry's Spaghetti With Shrimps 'n Saffron In Lemon-tomato Sauce

Andry's Spaghetti With Shrimps 'n Saffron In Lemon-tomato Sauce We can cook Andry's Spaghetti With Shrimps 'n Saffron In Lemon-tomato Sauce by using 11 ingredients and 11 steps. Here is how you achieve Andry's Spaghetti With Shrimps 'n Saffron In Lemon-tomato Sauce.

Ingredients of Andry's Spaghetti With Shrimps 'n Saffron In Lemon-tomato Sauce

  1. You need to prepare 1 tbsp of Olive oil.
  2. You need to prepare 4 of Anchovy.
  3. You need to prepare 2 of Chili peppers.
  4. You need to prepare 1 clove of Garlic.
  5. You need to prepare 1 pinch of Saffron.
  6. You need to prepare 10 of Shrimps.
  7. You need to prepare 1 can of Tomato sauce.
  8. You need to prepare 1 of Lemon.
  9. Prepare 250 grams of Linguini.
  10. You need to prepare 1 of Salt.
  11. Prepare 1 of Pepper.

Andry's Spaghetti With Shrimps 'n Saffron In Lemon-tomato Sauce step by step

  1. Peal the shrimps, chop the chili peppers and garlic into pieces.
  2. Put olive oil in2 a pan (if u use anchovy in olive oil, use the oil of the can).
  3. In the meantime... Put water and a dash of salt in a pot to cook the pasta until it boils.
  4. Put the anchovy, garlic and saffron in the heated olive oil.
  5. Put the pealed shrimps in the pan and bake them until ready.
  6. When the shrimps are ready, open a can of pealed tomatoes in the pan.
  7. Strain the lemon juice into the tomato sauce and season with some salt & pepper.
  8. Let the sauce simmer until the moisture almost vaporized..
  9. In the meantime is the pasta ready. Drain it and mix it with the sauce.
  10. Serve the pasta on a late and finish it with some parsley and a lemon slice.
  11. Buon appetito.

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