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How To Make Peas Barfi

Peas Barfi, It Needs prepare 8 Ingredients And 7 Steps

Ok now Cooking Direction Of Peas Barfi

Peas Barfi You can cook Peas Barfi by using 8 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you cook Peas Barfi.

Ingredients of Peas Barfi

  1. You need to prepare 200 gms of fresh green peas.
  2. Prepare 50 gms of sugar.
  3. Prepare 50 gms of mawa.
  4. You need to prepare 2 tablespoon of milk.
  5. You need to prepare 1 tablespoon of clarified butter.
  6. Prepare 2 tablespoon of dessicated coconut.
  7. Prepare Few drops of rose essence.
  8. You need to prepare As required of Silver leaf to garnish.

Peas Barfi instructions

  1. Blanch the green peas for some time and in a bowl put ice water, remove the green peas in the ice water to become cool.
  2. Put the green peas in the mixer jar and make a smooth paste.
  3. Put clarified butter in a nonstick pan and add the peas paste into it, saute it for some times..
  4. Add sugar and mawa into it, in this stage it will be little liquid in texture, after it becomes little dry add the dessicated coconut and mix.
  5. Add the milk and rose essence into it and mix it thoroughly.
  6. Immediately transfer it into a greased plate and put the silver leaf when it is still hot.
  7. Keep it in the fridge for an hour. After an hour it's ready to serve to the guests.

Thank you For exploring our simple blog about Peas Barfi, may our cooking recipe of Peas Barfi usefull and work :) and please get our other recipe collection, there are over million Simple recipes such as Peas Barfi with 8 Ingredients And 7 recipe directions are available just for us

#How To Cook Peas Barfi, Cooking Peas Barfi, #Simple Recipe Peas Barfi, #Simple direction Peas Barfi, #Homemade Peas Barfi, #Step by step cooking Peas Barfi, #Delicous Peas Barfi, #How To Make Peas Barfi, #Food Peas Barfi


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