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Easy Recipe: Japanese Sweets: Sakura Jello

Japanese Sweets: Sakura Jello, It Needs prepare 5 Ingredients And 8 Steps

Ok now How To Make Japanese Sweets: Sakura Jello

Japanese Sweets: Sakura Jello We can cook Japanese Sweets: Sakura Jello by using 5 ingredients and 8 steps. Here is how you cook Japanese Sweets: Sakura Jello.

Ingredients of Japanese Sweets: Sakura Jello

  1. Prepare 2 grams of Powdered kanten.
  2. Prepare 40 grams of Granulated sugar.
  3. You need to prepare 200 ml of Water.
  4. Prepare 50 ml of Japone (cherry blossom liqueur).
  5. Prepare 3 of Salt-preserved sakura flower.

Japanese Sweets: Sakura Jello instructions

  1. Soak the salt-preserved sakura in water for a while to remove some of the salt..
  2. Pour some water into a heatproof bowl, and microwave for 2 minutes at 500 W..
  3. Add the powdered kanten, mix well, and microwave for another minute..
  4. Add the sugar, mix, and microwave for another minute..
  5. Add the liqueur and mix..
  6. Place the salt-preserved sakura into the containers, one in each container. Pour the kanten mixture over the sakura..
  7. Let sit for 2 hours in room temperature to finish..
  8. For best results, chill in the fridge for 30 minutes before serving..

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