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Easy Recipe: Edible Chocolate Pot Surprise Dessert

Edible Chocolate Pot Surprise Dessert, It Needs prepare 7 Ingredients And 12 Steps

Ok now sTep by step tutorial Edible Chocolate Pot Surprise Dessert

Edible Chocolate Pot Surprise Dessert We can cook Edible Chocolate Pot Surprise Dessert by using 7 ingredients and 12 steps. Here is how you cook Edible Chocolate Pot Surprise Dessert.

Ingredients of Edible Chocolate Pot Surprise Dessert

  1. You need to prepare 150 gram of Dark chocolate compound.
  2. You need to prepare 4-5 of Small size paper cups.
  3. You need to prepare 1 cup of Oreo biscuit & / or any other biscuit of your choice (powdered).
  4. Prepare 1 cup of Whipped cream/can use Ice cream as innovation but read process.
  5. Prepare as needed of bourbon biscuit.
  6. You need to prepare 5 of Flowers.
  7. Prepare 5-6 of mint leaves.

Edible Chocolate Pot Surprise Dessert step by step

  1. Take 150 gram chocolate n now melt it in microwave for a min..
  2. Take it out stir well melt it stir until it cools down.Now take the paper cup n using a scissor cut a little part of cup frm a side so that you can remove the cup later on easily.Do IT else you will face a bit problem further.
  3. Now pour the melted chocolate in a cup (till thr half cup gets full) n then rotate the cup n remove the extra chocolate in another cup.
  4. (Please see to it that 1st cup should be covered with chocolate not till rim..I have done so but for safely removal of chocolate pot you may avoid).
  5. See like this you have to make all the cups ready n then keep in refrigerator for 5mins to set see to it that they should not be tightly set as you have to do the same step again.
  6. After 5 mins again repeat same process of applying chocolate so that pot becomes bit thick n strong N now keep in freezer for 10 mins (dont go on time but chck when it sets totally).
  7. Till they get set completely will do nxt process take oreo biscuits n crush them make their powder N now take bourbon biscuit n break them in small pieces.
  8. After 10 mins take them out(see the pic) now put the crushedd powder of biscuits till a level in all pots N now take the whipped cream n add in it.
  9. After that again add the powder n some big pieces of biscuits on the. Cream n see that it is covered totally.
  10. Keep in refrigerator for 10 to 15 minz till it sets completely take them out.Now remove the paper cups from the point where you have cut frm scissors n remove the cup slowly.
  11. N now you can see our pots aur ready to serve. So to give a look of flower pots we will place leaf in that mud(actually powdered biscuit) and a flower too.
  12. Veryy drooling,Tasty, Awesome Edible Flower Pots are ready to serve.Enjoy your valentines day by having it with your valentine.

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