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Best Recipe: Quince spoon sweet from Pelion

Quince spoon sweet from Pelion, It Needs prepare 5 Ingredients And 8 Steps

Ok now sTep by step tutorial Quince spoon sweet from Pelion

Quince spoon sweet from Pelion We can cook Quince spoon sweet from Pelion using 5 ingredients and 8 steps. Here is how you cook Quince spoon sweet from Pelion.

Ingredients of Quince spoon sweet from Pelion

  1. Prepare 1 1/2 kg of quinces (5 pieces).
  2. Prepare 7 cups of sugar.
  3. Prepare 1 cup of water.
  4. You need to prepare 100 g of blanched almonds.
  5. You need to prepare 1 of bit of rose geranium.

Quince spoon sweet from Pelion instructions

  1. Wash and quarter the quinces..
  2. While removing the seeds from  the quinces, keep them in water with lemon juice so that they don't get dark..
  3. Continue by cutting them into slices and then thin sticks, still keeping them in the water with the lemon..
  4. Rinse them and start counting in glasses. Fill each glass to the brim and pour into the pot. Using the same glass, measure he sugar. Use one glass less than you used for the quinces. Using these measurements I had 8 glasses of quince and 7 glasses of sugar. Also, add a glass of water..
  5. Wash a sprig of rose geranium and add it to the pot..
  6. Add the almonds..
  7. Boil everything over high heat..
  8. Gradually the sweet will begin to thicken. Id doesn't have to thicken too much since it will do so while cooling. Its color will get darker. Remove the rose geranium. When it cools you can store it in jars..

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