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Best Recipe: Cookie Bouquet

Cookie Bouquet, It Needs prepare 6 Ingredients And 11 Steps

Ok now Tutorial of Cookie Bouquet

Cookie Bouquet We can cook Cookie Bouquet using 6 ingredients and 11 steps. Here is how you achieve Cookie Bouquet.

Ingredients of Cookie Bouquet

  1. You need to prepare 400 ml of Powdered sugar.
  2. Prepare 2 tbsp of Meringue podwder.
  3. Prepare 2 tbsp of Lemon juice.
  4. Prepare 1 dash of Food coloring.
  5. You need to prepare 1 of if available Pearl sugar for decoration.
  6. Prepare 5 tsp of 100% Lemon juice.

Cookie Bouquet directions

  1. Prepare the icing for outlining the cookies: Sift the powdered sugar together with the meringue powder. Add in the lemon juice, then combine the ingredients with an electric whisk..
  2. I use a No. 2 Wilton decorating tip. Make sure the icing is just soft enough to squeeze from the pastry bag, but not too runny. Adjust the consistency by adding water..
  3. Once the outlines have dried, it's time to ice the centers. Soften up and adjust the consistency of the remaining outline icing with lemon juice #2..
  4. Fold down your icing bag near the tip to cut off the flow of the rest of the icing and ensure it doesn't pour out too quickly. Once you've applied a sufficient amount to the cookie, wait for it to spread and even out on the surface. Shape and perfect the edges with a toothpick..
  5. Top with additional decorations while the icing is still wet. For design inspiration, take a look at.
  6. Alternatively, you can decorate with the outline icing after the filling icing has dried. User "Izaula" painted on an orchid using a paint brush..
  7. Here are some Wilton brand decorating tools I purchased in the U.S. (12 colors of food dye, disposable piping bags, and decorating tips)..
  8. Bouquets of flowers are cute as well..
  9. Here's a teddy bear cookie bouquet I made in the States. Try browsing images of cookie bouquets online for inspiration..
  10. You'll need a large workspace to dry out the decorated cookies..
  11. When you're done, finish them off with cute wrapping..

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