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How To Make Creamy Southern Chicken Soup

Creamy Southern Chicken Soup, We need prepare 13 Ingredients And 1 Steps

Ok now sTep by step tutorial Creamy Southern Chicken Soup

Creamy Southern Chicken Soup We can cook Creamy Southern Chicken Soup by using 13 ingredients and 1 steps. Here is how you cook Creamy Southern Chicken Soup.

Ingredients of Creamy Southern Chicken Soup

  1. You need to prepare of Boneless Chicken Thigh.
  2. Prepare of Red Potatoes.
  3. You need to prepare of Frozen Broccoli.
  4. You need to prepare of Cherry Tomatoes.
  5. Prepare of Butter.
  6. Prepare of Corn Chips.
  7. Prepare of Salt & Pepper.
  8. You need to prepare of Hot Sauce.
  9. Prepare of White Flower.
  10. Prepare of Heavy Cream.
  11. You need to prepare of Milk.
  12. Prepare of Taco Sauce.
  13. Prepare of Any Noodle Pasta.

Creamy Southern Chicken Soup directions

  1. Preparation 1. Boil water and season with salt and pepper for chicken ; make sure to cut chicken thighs into small pieces(put that to boil). 2. In separate pot Put in your chopped red potatoes and frozen broccoli with the chopped cherry tomatoes; make sure to add a small amount of salt and pepper and two spoons of butter. Let that prep in low heat. 3. Meanwhile shred your cheese and keep it in a separate bowl for later . 4. Now take about three to four scoops of the chicken broth and mix it in your veggie pot and let that boil until your ready to pore in your chicken and chicken broth in the same pot. 5. Now that you have everything in one pot pore in your pasta that you have choose for this dish and let that cook for about 5-15 mins. 6. Okay.

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