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Easy Recipe: China Grass

China Grass, We need prepare 9 Ingredients And 12 Steps

Ok now How To Cook China Grass

China Grass You can cook China Grass by using 9 ingredients and 12 steps. Here is how you cook China Grass.

Ingredients of China Grass

  1. You need to prepare 50 g of Grass(agar agar).
  2. You need to prepare 1 liter of Milk.
  3. You need to prepare 1/2 of Sugar.
  4. You need to prepare 1 tsp of Cardamom.
  5. You need to prepare 1 can of Condensed milk.
  6. Prepare of Green colour as required.
  7. You need to prepare Drops of Green Rose Asence Few.
  8. Prepare of For granish.
  9. You need to prepare of Almond and Pistachio.

China Grass instructions

  1. Take a pan put the grass in pan.
  2. Add cup of water put the pan on Low flame and cook until grass is disolved..
  3. Heat the milk.
  4. Add cardamom powder..
  5. Also add disolved grass mixture and stir continuesly..
  6. Also add condensed milk stir continuesly then add sugar as per your taste..
  7. Add green rose Asence few drops.
  8. Then add green colour nice mix and then thick the milk..
  9. Thick the milk and pour it into a serving dish..
  10. Like this.
  11. Then add almonds and pistachio serve chilled leave for 1 hour..
  12. Cut into Pieces..

Thank you For exploring our simple site about China Grass, may our cooking recipe of China Grass usefull and work :) and please take our other recipe collection, there are over million Usefull recipes such as China Grass with 9 Ingredients And 12 recipe directions are available just for us

#How To Cook China Grass, Cooking China Grass, #Simple Recipe China Grass, #Simple direction China Grass, #Homemade China Grass, #Step by step cooking China Grass, #Delicous China Grass, #How To Make China Grass, #Food China Grass


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