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Simple recipe: Grilled Koi Maach (Climbing Perch Fish)

Grilled Koi Maach (Climbing Perch Fish), We need prepare 9 Ingredients And 3 Steps

Ok now How To Make Grilled Koi Maach (Climbing Perch Fish)

Grilled Koi Maach (Climbing Perch Fish) You can cook Grilled Koi Maach (Climbing Perch Fish) by using 9 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you cook Grilled Koi Maach (Climbing Perch Fish).

Ingredients of Grilled Koi Maach (Climbing Perch Fish)

  1. You need to prepare 2 of Koi (Climbing Perch) fish, cleaned.
  2. Prepare 8-10 of kashmiri red chilies.
  3. You need to prepare 3-4 of garlic cloves.
  4. You need to prepare to taste of salt.
  5. Prepare 1/2 tsp of garam masala powder.
  6. You need to prepare pinch of nutmeg powder.
  7. Prepare 2 tsp of lime juice.
  8. You need to prepare 1 tsp of sugar.
  9. You need to prepare 2 tsp of oil.

Grilled Koi Maach (Climbing Perch Fish) directions

  1. Soak the chilies in water for half an hour. Grind along with the garlic and little water into a paste. Add rest of the ingredients and mix well..
  2. Marinate the fish with a pinch of salt and 1 tsp. lime juice for 10 minutes. Then smear the ground paste liberally on the fish and refrigerate for 15-20 minutes..
  3. Grill for 25-30 minutes by basting with the remaining marinate halfway through. Serve with onion rings, sliced tomato, lime, green chilies and coriander leaves..

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#How To Cook Grilled Koi Maach (Climbing Perch Fish), Cooking Grilled Koi Maach (Climbing Perch Fish), #Simple Recipe Grilled Koi Maach (Climbing Perch Fish), #Simple direction Grilled Koi Maach (Climbing Perch Fish), #Homemade Grilled Koi Maach (Climbing Perch Fish), #Step by step cooking Grilled Koi Maach (Climbing Perch Fish), #Delicous Grilled Koi Maach (Climbing Perch Fish), #How To Make Grilled Koi Maach (Climbing Perch Fish), #Food Grilled Koi Maach (Climbing Perch Fish)


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