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Simple recipe: Green Apple Frozen Yoghurt Ice Cream

Green Apple Frozen Yoghurt Ice Cream, We need prepare 3 Ingredients And 11 Steps

Ok now Tutorial of Green Apple Frozen Yoghurt Ice Cream

Green Apple Frozen Yoghurt Ice Cream You can cook Green Apple Frozen Yoghurt Ice Cream by using 3 ingredients and 11 steps. Here is how you cook Green Apple Frozen Yoghurt Ice Cream.

Ingredients of Green Apple Frozen Yoghurt Ice Cream

  1. You need to prepare 2 of Green apples.
  2. Prepare 2 cup of Plain yoghurt (sweetened also will do).
  3. Prepare 3 tbsp of Sugar syrup.

Green Apple Frozen Yoghurt Ice Cream step by step

  1. Finely chop the green apples and put them in the blender..
  2. Add 1cup of yoghurt to the blender..
  3. Blend the mixture until fine consistency is achieved..
  4. Pour into a large bowl..
  5. Add the remaing yoghurt and some sugar syrup (as per taste) to the bowl . NOTE: don't add sugar syrup if using sweetened yoghurt..
  6. Mix the ingredients in the bowl well ..
  7. Put in the freezer for about 2-3hrs until completely frozen..
  8. Take out the frozen mixture and put into the blender. Blend it well so as to make it easy to eat..
  9. Use an ice cream scooper and scoop out the blended frozen yoghurt ice cream and put into serving cups..
  10. You can add your favorite toppings to pep up the taste..
  11. Ready to serve..

Thank you For exploring our simple site about Green Apple Frozen Yoghurt Ice Cream, may our cooking recipe of Green Apple Frozen Yoghurt Ice Cream usefull and work :) and please take our other recipe collection, there are over million Simple recipes such as Green Apple Frozen Yoghurt Ice Cream with 3 Ingredients And 11 recipe directions are available just for us

#How To Cook Green Apple Frozen Yoghurt Ice Cream, Cooking Green Apple Frozen Yoghurt Ice Cream, #Simple Recipe Green Apple Frozen Yoghurt Ice Cream, #Simple direction Green Apple Frozen Yoghurt Ice Cream, #Homemade Green Apple Frozen Yoghurt Ice Cream, #Step by step cooking Green Apple Frozen Yoghurt Ice Cream, #Delicous Green Apple Frozen Yoghurt Ice Cream, #How To Make Green Apple Frozen Yoghurt Ice Cream, #Food Green Apple Frozen Yoghurt Ice Cream


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