Best Recipe: Minced Beef Noodle (in english & bahasa)
You can cook Minced Beef Noodle (in english & bahasa) using 9 ingredients and 13 steps. Here is how you achieve Minced Beef Noodle (in english & bahasa).
Ingredients of Minced Beef Noodle (in english & bahasa)
- You need to prepare 1 packages of egg noodle/mie telor.
- You need to prepare 1/4 kg of minced beef/daging giling.
- You need to prepare 1 tbsp of candle nut/kemiri.
- Prepare 1/4 cup of sliced green onion/irisan daun bawang.
- Prepare 2 tbsp of vegetable oil/minyak sayur.
- You need to prepare 1 of sugar, salt & pepper/gula, garam & merica.
- Prepare 1 liter of water/air.
- You need to prepare 1/4 clove of garlic/bawang putih.
- You need to prepare 1/2 bunch of green cabbage/sawi hijau.
Minced Beef Noodle (in english & bahasa) directions
- Grind sliced garlic and candle nut/Tumbuk irisan bawang putih dan kemiri.
- Heat oil and put grinded garlic & candle nut/Panaskan minyak dan masukan tumbukan bawang putih & kemiri.
- Once it smells good, put the minced beef and cook until browned/Setelah harum, masukan daging giling, masak sampai kecokelatan.
- Add sugar, salt & pepper to taste/Tambahkan gula, garam & merica secukupnya.
- Put water, wait until boiling/Masukan air, masak sampai mendidih.
- Put egg noodle, wait until cooked and fluffy/Masukan mie telor, tunggu sampai masak dan mengembang.
- Lift noodle and drain/Angkat dan tiriskan.
- Put green cabbage (already cut in 5cm) into the boiling water, wait until wilted, lift and drain/Masukan sawi hijau yang telah dipotong 5 cm ke dalam air rebusan, tunggu sampai layu, angkat dan tiriskan.
- Lift minced beef and drain/Angkat daging giling dan tiriskan.
- Divide noodle and green cabbage into 3 bowls, put the cabbage on the side of noodle/Bagi mie dan sawi ke dalam 3 mangkuk, taruh sawi di samping mie dalam mangkuk.
- Put minced beef and sliced green onion on top of noodle/Taruh daging giling dan irisan daun bawang di atas mie.
- Put the boiling water (brooth) into small bowl for each bowl of noodle, as a side dish/Taruh air rebusan (kaldu) ke dalam mangkuk kecil untuk tiap-tiap mangkuk mie, sebagai penyerta.
- Enjoy!/Selamat menikmati!.
#How To Cook Minced Beef Noodle (in english & bahasa), Cooking Minced Beef Noodle (in english & bahasa), #Simple Recipe Minced Beef Noodle (in english & bahasa), #Simple direction Minced Beef Noodle (in english & bahasa), #Homemade Minced Beef Noodle (in english & bahasa), #Step by step cooking Minced Beef Noodle (in english & bahasa), #Delicous Minced Beef Noodle (in english & bahasa), #How To Make Minced Beef Noodle (in english & bahasa), #Food Minced Beef Noodle (in english & bahasa)
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