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Simple recipe: Flower tea

Flower tea, We use prepare 4 Ingredients And 4 Steps

Ok now How To Serve Flower tea Flowering tea or blooming tea (Chinese: 香片, 工艺茶, or 开花茶) consists of a bundle of dried tea leaves wrapped around one or more dried flowers. These are made by binding tea leaves and flowers together into a bulb, then setting them to dry. Not all teas are made from tea plants or herbs.

Flower tea In this short video, we will show you how to prepare Chinese Blooming Tea. Blooming Tea is a handmade product, most often it is called Flowering tea because. See more ideas about tea, flower tea, tea time. You can cook Flower tea using 4 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you achieve Flower tea.

Ingredients of Flower tea

  1. Prepare of Butterfly pea flowers - fresh or dried.
  2. Prepare of Hibiscus flowers - fresh or dried.
  3. Prepare of Water.
  4. You need to prepare of Few drops of Honey and ginger extract.

Cinnamon Rose Tea + Honey & Milk - The Kitchen McCabe. A little while ago I shared on my Instagram page that I was starting on a long-desired. Blooming tea is very beneficial for people experiencing obesity, low metabolism, skin disorders, poor Blooming tea consists of a bundle of dried tea leaves wrapped around one or more dried flowers. A wide selection of flower teas including pure flower teas, blooming/flowering teas and loose leaf teas scented by jasmine flowers.

Flower tea directions

  1. Color changing Butterfly pea flower tea : Boil water in to separate pans, turn off the flame put fresh it dried butterfly pea flowers in both the pans and leave it aside for 10-15mins. After 15 mins add few drops of lime juice to one pan this turns into purple. Berfore serving adding few drops of honey and few drops of ginger extract Enhances the taste..
  2. Benefits of butterfly pea flower tea : Benefits of this tea : Facilitates digestion Uplifts mood Accelerates weight loss Enhances skin health Stimulates hair growth Ameliorates diabetic condition Uplifts cardiac wellness Promotes healthy eyesight..
  3. Hibiscus tea : Bring water to boil, add fresh or dried red hibiscus flowers set aside for 10 mins. Before serving add few drops of honey to enhance the taste..
  4. Benefits : Packed With Antioxidants Helps lower Blood Pressure Helps lower Blood Fat Levels Boosts liver Health Promotes weight Loss.

Farm-direct, fresh, artisan selection. ⬇ Download stock pictures of Flower tea on Depositphotos ✔ Photo stock for commercial use - millions of high-quality, royalty-free Royalty-free Images of Flower tea, Flower tea Stock Photos & Pictures. Flowering tea provide great health benefits. Green tea is a great source of antioxidants. Green tea leaves contain flavonoids and catechins which have been scientifically proven to protect human cells. See more ideas about flower tea, chinese medicinal herbs, traditional chinese medicine herbs.

Thank you For exploring our simple site about Flower tea, may our cooking recipe of Flower tea usefull and work :) and please enjoy our other recipe collection, there are over million Simple recipes such as Flower tea with 4 Ingredients And 4 recipe directions are available just for us

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