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How To Make Mashed Potato with Gravy Sauce (in english & bahasa)

Mashed Potato with Gravy Sauce (in english & bahasa), We use prepare 15 Ingredients And 15 Steps

Ok now Tutorial of Mashed Potato with Gravy Sauce (in english & bahasa)

Mashed Potato with Gravy Sauce (in english & bahasa) You can cook Mashed Potato with Gravy Sauce (in english & bahasa) by using 15 ingredients and 15 steps. Here is how you achieve Mashed Potato with Gravy Sauce (in english & bahasa).

Ingredients of Mashed Potato with Gravy Sauce (in english & bahasa)

  1. You need to prepare of Mashed Potato.
  2. Prepare 1 kg of potato/kentang.
  3. Prepare 2 tbsp of unsalted butter/mentega.
  4. Prepare 2 tbsp of milk powder/susu bubuk.
  5. Prepare 1 small of egg/telur.
  6. You need to prepare 1 of salt & pepper/garam & merica.
  7. You need to prepare of Gravy Sauce.
  8. You need to prepare 1/4 kg of minced beef/daging giling.
  9. Prepare 1 tbsp of butter/mentega.
  10. Prepare 1/4 clove of sliced shallot/red onion/irisan bawang merah.
  11. You need to prepare 2 tbsp of flour/tepung terigu.
  12. You need to prepare 3 tbsp of worcesters sauce/kecap inggris.
  13. Prepare 1/2 liter of water/air.
  14. Prepare 1 of salt & pepper/garam & merica.
  15. You need to prepare 2 tbsp of barbeque sauce (additional)/(jika mau).

Mashed Potato with Gravy Sauce (in english & bahasa) directions

  1. Boil potato until cooked, peel them/Rebus kentang sampai matang, lalu kupas.
  2. Mash potato/Lembutkan kentang.
  3. Put butter, mix well/Masukan mentega, aduk hingga rata.
  4. Also put egg and powder milk, mix well/Juga masukan telur dan susu bubuk, aduk hingga rata.
  5. Cook and whisk in a fry pan with a low heat for 5 minutes/Masak sambil diaduk dalam penggorengan selama 5 menit.
  6. For the gravy sauce, melt butter in a fry pan, in a low heat/ Untuk gravy sauce-nya, lelehkan mentega pada penggorengan, di atas api kecil.
  7. Put sliced shallot/red onion, cook until it smells good/Masukan irisan bawang merah, masak sampai harum.
  8. Put the minced beef, cook until browned/Masukan daging giling, masak sampai kecokelatan.
  9. Pour the flour slowly until it mixed well with the minced beef and also browned/Tuangkan tepung terigu sedikit demi sedikit, sampai tercampur daging giling dengan baik dan berwarna kecokelatan.
  10. Put the worcesters sauce/Masukan kecap inggris.
  11. Put the water, whisk until mixed well, still in a low heat/Masukan air, aduk hingga merata, masih di atas api kecil.
  12. Add salt & pepper to taste/Tambahkan garam & merica secukupnya.
  13. Add a barbeque sauce, if you want/Tambahkan barbeque sauce, jika mau.
  14. Serve mashed potato as a side dish, pour the gravy sauce on top of it/Sajikan mashed potato sebagai makan penyerta, siram gravy sauce di atasnya.
  15. Enjoy!/Selamat menikmati!.

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#How To Cook Mashed Potato with Gravy Sauce (in english & bahasa), Cooking Mashed Potato with Gravy Sauce (in english & bahasa), #Simple Recipe Mashed Potato with Gravy Sauce (in english & bahasa), #Simple direction Mashed Potato with Gravy Sauce (in english & bahasa), #Homemade Mashed Potato with Gravy Sauce (in english & bahasa), #Step by step cooking Mashed Potato with Gravy Sauce (in english & bahasa), #Delicous Mashed Potato with Gravy Sauce (in english & bahasa), #How To Make Mashed Potato with Gravy Sauce (in english & bahasa), #Food Mashed Potato with Gravy Sauce (in english & bahasa)


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