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Easy Recipe: Japanese vegetable dishes, Komatsuna and Amazake, balsamic vinegar

Japanese vegetable dishes, Komatsuna and Amazake, balsamic vinegar, It Needs prepare 5 Ingredients And 1 Steps

Ok now Cooking Direction Of Japanese vegetable dishes, Komatsuna and Amazake, balsamic vinegar

Japanese vegetable dishes, Komatsuna and Amazake, balsamic vinegar We can cook Japanese vegetable dishes, Komatsuna and Amazake, balsamic vinegar using 5 ingredients and 1 steps. Here is how you cook Japanese vegetable dishes, Komatsuna and Amazake, balsamic vinegar.

Ingredients of Japanese vegetable dishes, Komatsuna and Amazake, balsamic vinegar

  1. Prepare 1/2 bundle of Komatsuna.
  2. Prepare of a.
  3. Prepare 1 teaspoon of Balsamic vinegar.
  4. You need to prepare 1 tablespoon of Soy sauce.
  5. You need to prepare 2 tablespoon of Amazake.

Japanese vegetable dishes, Komatsuna and Amazake, balsamic vinegar instructions

  1. 1.Wash Komatsuna with water and cut off the roots. 2.Add A to the bowl and mix. 3.Put a lot of hot water in a pan, boil, and add 1 teaspoon of salt. 4.Hold the leaves, put the stem first and boil for about 30 seconds. Then put the leaf part and boil for about 20 seconds.  5.Raise to 4 and squeeze the water when rough heat is removed. 6.Cut into 3 to 4 equal portions and mix them in the bowl of 2. 7.Completed in a bowl..

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