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Ultimate Recipe: Special Buko Salad

Special Buko Salad, We need prepare 9 Ingredients And 2 Steps

Ok now Tutorial of Special Buko Salad

Special Buko Salad You can cook Special Buko Salad by using 9 ingredients and 2 steps. Here is how you cook Special Buko Salad.

Ingredients of Special Buko Salad

  1. You need to prepare of ingredients:.
  2. Prepare 1 can of fruit cocktail (3.033kg).
  3. Prepare 2 can of fruitcocktail (836 g).
  4. You need to prepare 1 jar of nata de coco (680g).
  5. You need to prepare 2 jar of kaong (680g).
  6. Prepare 6 of whole buko/young coconut (shredded).
  7. You need to prepare 4 can of carnation condensed (300ml).
  8. You need to prepare 6 box of nestle cream (250ml).
  9. Prepare 1 box of cheddar cheese (grated).

Special Buko Salad instructions

  1. PROCEDURE:Remove the fruit cocktail juice before putting the fruit in the mixing bowl. Also remove the nata de coco and kaong syrup and mix with the fruit cocktail in the mixing bowl. And mix the shredded buko and mix well. Apply cream and condensed, mix well. Increase cheese to make buko salad better. Then place in the freezer until hardened..
  2. Tips: For the best results of your "buko salad", buy a quality or more expensive ingredient in making "buko salad"..

Thank you For exploring our simple site about Special Buko Salad, may our cooking recipe of Special Buko Salad usefull and work :) and please enjoy our other recipe collection, there are over million Usefull recipes such as Special Buko Salad with 9 Ingredients And 2 recipe directions are available just for us

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