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Ultimate Recipe: Nasi Goreng Mawut (Mixed Fried Rice and Noodles)

Nasi Goreng Mawut (Mixed Fried Rice and Noodles), We use prepare 15 Ingredients And 4 Steps

Ok now Cooking Direction Of Nasi Goreng Mawut (Mixed Fried Rice and Noodles)

Nasi Goreng Mawut (Mixed Fried Rice and Noodles) We can cook Nasi Goreng Mawut (Mixed Fried Rice and Noodles) by using 15 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you cook Nasi Goreng Mawut (Mixed Fried Rice and Noodles).

Ingredients of Nasi Goreng Mawut (Mixed Fried Rice and Noodles)

  1. Prepare of plates cooked white rice (leftover rice, put in the refrigerator for a night, is recommended).
  2. You need to prepare of yellow noodles, soaked in warm water for 5-10 minutes, drained.
  3. You need to prepare of mustard greens, cut 3 cm.
  4. You need to prepare of boneless chicken breast, boiled, shredded, set aside.
  5. Prepare of sweet soy sauce.
  6. You need to prepare of salt and mushrooms bouillon.
  7. You need to prepare of vegetable oil.
  8. Prepare of Ground spices:.
  9. You need to prepare of garlic.
  10. You need to prepare of candle nuts 4 chilli peppers.
  11. You need to prepare of bird eye chilli peppers (optional).
  12. Prepare of white peppercorn.
  13. You need to prepare of Complements.
  14. Prepare of sunny side up eggs.
  15. Prepare of some rice crackers.

Nasi Goreng Mawut (Mixed Fried Rice and Noodles) instructions

  1. Heat vegetable oil in the wok over medium-heat. Sauté the ground spices until fragrant. Add shredded chicken. Mix well..
  2. Add mustard greens. Cook until the vegetables a bit soft..
  3. Add rice and yellow noodles. Season with sweet soy sauce, salt, and mushroom bouillon. Mix well. Remove from the heat..
  4. Place fried rice on the serving plates. Add sunny side up eggs and rice crackers on top of the rice. Serve warm. Yum! 😋.

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#How To Cook Nasi Goreng Mawut (Mixed Fried Rice and Noodles), Cooking Nasi Goreng Mawut (Mixed Fried Rice and Noodles), #Simple Recipe Nasi Goreng Mawut (Mixed Fried Rice and Noodles), #Simple direction Nasi Goreng Mawut (Mixed Fried Rice and Noodles), #Homemade Nasi Goreng Mawut (Mixed Fried Rice and Noodles), #Step by step cooking Nasi Goreng Mawut (Mixed Fried Rice and Noodles), #Delicous Nasi Goreng Mawut (Mixed Fried Rice and Noodles), #How To Make Nasi Goreng Mawut (Mixed Fried Rice and Noodles), #Food Nasi Goreng Mawut (Mixed Fried Rice and Noodles)


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