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How To Make Cherry Blossom Viewing Lunch Box (Great For Kids)

Cherry Blossom Viewing Lunch Box (Great For Kids), We use prepare 11 Ingredients And 9 Steps

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Cherry Blossom Viewing Lunch Box (Great For Kids) You can cook Cherry Blossom Viewing Lunch Box (Great For Kids) by using 11 ingredients and 9 steps. Here is how you achieve Cherry Blossom Viewing Lunch Box (Great For Kids).

Ingredients of Cherry Blossom Viewing Lunch Box (Great For Kids)

  1. You need to prepare 1 of Tiny hamburgers.
  2. You need to prepare 1 of Boiled quail eggs and meat balls.
  3. Prepare 1 of Karaage (Japanese fried chicken).
  4. Prepare 1 of Mario Brother's Super Mushroom.
  5. You need to prepare 1 of Chikuwa.
  6. You need to prepare 1 of Sliced pork "flower" wrap.
  7. Prepare 1 of Rolled sandwiches (ham and cheese).
  8. Prepare 1 of Rolled sandwiches (nori and ham).
  9. Prepare 1 of Wiener sausage flower shaped.
  10. Prepare 1 of Chakin kabocha squash bundles.
  11. Prepare 1 of Rolled kamaboko.

Cherry Blossom Viewing Lunch Box (Great For Kids) step by step

  1. Mini Hamburgers: Cut the meat balls in half. Slice the cherry tomato horizontally, and cut the sliced cheese into 9 equal sections. Skewer and secure (including some lettuce) with a food pick..
  2. Super Mushroom: Cut the cherry tomato in half. Remove seeds and fill with some mayonnaise. Place it on the boiled quail egg. With a straw, cut small round shapes out of the sliced cheese. Decorate the top of the tomato with them to make a "super mushroom"..
  3. Cut the chikuwa lengthwise. Make shallow crisscross cut on inside surface. Place the filling on the outside and roll it up. Secure with 2 food picks and cut in half..
  4. Cut the carrot into thin rectangular slices. Microwave the carrot and green beans together. Season the sliced pork with salt and pepper and wrap the vegetables. Season with your favorite sauce..
  5. Cut the kamaboko into 2-5 mm slices. Roll it up and secure it with a toothpick..
  6. Chakin kabocha squash bundles: Microwave the kabocha squash, mash it while still hot, and add salt, pepper and mayonnaise. Form into little dumplings with plastic wrap..
  7. Here is a picture of tiny hamburgers, karaage fried chicken, Super Mushrooms, rolled chikuwa, and the sliced pork "flower" wraps..
  8. These are the rolled sandwiches, broccoli, flower wiener sausage, corn cream croquettes, rolled kamaboko, and the chakin kabocha squash bundles..
  9. Rice balls and inarizushi: (seasoned ground chicken, edamame, and imitation crab with mayonnaise) and (seasoned ground chicken, sakura denbu / fluffy pink flaked fish, and flower shaped carrot)..

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