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Ultimate Recipe: Spicy and Sour Chicken "Ayam Asam Pedas"

Spicy and Sour Chicken "Ayam Asam Pedas", It Needs prepare 10 Ingredients And 5 Steps

Ok now How To Serve Spicy and Sour Chicken "Ayam Asam Pedas"

Spicy and Sour Chicken "Ayam Asam Pedas" You can cook Spicy and Sour Chicken "Ayam Asam Pedas" using 10 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you achieve Spicy and Sour Chicken "Ayam Asam Pedas".

Ingredients of Spicy and Sour Chicken "Ayam Asam Pedas"

  1. You need to prepare 2 of Ons of Chicken Breast / Dada Ayam 2 ons.
  2. Prepare of Couple of Limes / Lemon atau Jeruk Nipis 2 buah.
  3. Prepare 1 cm of Turmeric / Kunyit 1 cm.
  4. You need to prepare of Chili / Cabai sesuai selera.
  5. You need to prepare of Garlic / Bawang Putih 3 buah.
  6. You need to prepare of Red Onions / Bawang Merah 3 Buah.
  7. Prepare of Green Onion Leaf / Daun Bawang.
  8. Prepare pinch of salt / Garam secukupnya.
  9. Prepare pinch of MSG / Penyedap secukupnya "Ajinomoto".
  10. You need to prepare of Vegetables Oil / Minyak sayur 1 sendok makan.

Spicy and Sour Chicken "Ayam Asam Pedas" step by step

  1. Wash & cut the chicken breast into small pieces/ Cuci dan potong dada ayam ke ukuran kecil.
  2. Put and stir the chicken breast and lime's water into pan without oil till it dry / Masukan dan tumis ayam dengan air jeruk tanpa menggunakan minyak hingga kering atau lemak ayam nya hilang..
  3. Blend the turmeric, garlic, red onions, and chili till it smooth / Haluskan kunyit, bawang putih, bawang merah, dan cabai hingga lembut..
  4. Put a tablespoon of vegetable oil to the chicken first then put the seasoning into the pan and stir it till it smells and little brown/ Tuangkan 1 sendok makan minyak sayur terlebih dahulu ke wajan, kemudian masukan bumbu yang telah dihaluskan dan tumis hingga keluar aroma bumbunya yang telah berubah warna agak kecoklatan..
  5. Put 300 ml of water and boil it till it cooked well, then put green onions leaf, and its done, ready to serve / Masukkan air 300 ml dan didihkan hingga air nya berubah menjadi sedikit dan agak kental, kemudian masukkan daun bawang, dan siap untuk disajikan..

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#How To Cook Spicy and Sour Chicken "Ayam Asam Pedas", Cooking Spicy and Sour Chicken "Ayam Asam Pedas", #Simple Recipe Spicy and Sour Chicken "Ayam Asam Pedas", #Simple direction Spicy and Sour Chicken "Ayam Asam Pedas", #Homemade Spicy and Sour Chicken "Ayam Asam Pedas", #Step by step cooking Spicy and Sour Chicken "Ayam Asam Pedas", #Delicous Spicy and Sour Chicken "Ayam Asam Pedas", #How To Make Spicy and Sour Chicken "Ayam Asam Pedas", #Food Spicy and Sour Chicken "Ayam Asam Pedas"


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