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Simple recipe: Sultan Timman (Jasmine rice)

Sultan Timman (Jasmine rice), We need prepare 9 Ingredients And 3 Steps

Ok now How To Make Sultan Timman (Jasmine rice)

Sultan Timman (Jasmine rice) We can cook Sultan Timman (Jasmine rice) using 9 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you cook Sultan Timman (Jasmine rice).

Ingredients of Sultan Timman (Jasmine rice)

  1. Prepare 1 of Level 2 water (hot).
  2. Prepare 2 tsp of chicken bouillon.
  3. You need to prepare 1 tsp of olive oil.
  4. You need to prepare 1/2 tsp of red wine vinegar.
  5. Prepare 1/2 tsp of Chopped basil.
  6. You need to prepare 1 of Stem of fresh dill ( finely chopped).
  7. You need to prepare 2 dash of turmeric *optional, mainly for coloring -not flavor.
  8. You need to prepare 5 of baby carrots (chopped).
  9. Prepare 2 cup of Jasmine rice.

Sultan Timman (Jasmine rice) step by step

  1. Add all items to rice cooker, leaving /carrots & rice for last. Use HOT water and whisk ingredients before adding carrots & rice..
  2. Turmeric is only for coloring in this recipe. Careful not to use too much.
  3. Picture shows, plate/serve with Ship Brand Mango Pickle (can find in Indian grocery), sliced avocado with Tajin season (can find in any grocery, usually in Latin foods), stem onion, fresh lime, & Kubba Mosul (can find in middle eastern/Turkish market).

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#How To Cook Sultan Timman (Jasmine rice), Cooking Sultan Timman (Jasmine rice), #Simple Recipe Sultan Timman (Jasmine rice), #Simple direction Sultan Timman (Jasmine rice), #Homemade Sultan Timman (Jasmine rice), #Step by step cooking Sultan Timman (Jasmine rice), #Delicous Sultan Timman (Jasmine rice), #How To Make Sultan Timman (Jasmine rice), #Food Sultan Timman (Jasmine rice)


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