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Simple recipe: Baby Shower Cucakes*

Baby Shower Cucakes*, We need prepare 8 Ingredients And 5 Steps

Ok now Cooking Direction Of Baby Shower Cucakes*

Baby Shower Cucakes* You can cook Baby Shower Cucakes* using 8 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you achieve Baby Shower Cucakes*.

Ingredients of Baby Shower Cucakes*

  1. You need to prepare of cake mix baked as directed.
  2. You need to prepare of dumdum suckers.
  3. You need to prepare of flower sprinkles.
  4. You need to prepare of pacifiers of choosing.
  5. You need to prepare of different colored decorating gels.
  6. You need to prepare of ribbons for rattles any color of choice.
  7. You need to prepare of chocolate melts pink color or your choice.
  8. Prepare of chocolate melts flesh color.

Baby Shower Cucakes* directions

  1. preheat oven to 350 bake cupcakes any flavors as you like.these cupcakes are lemon with lemon cream filling..
  2. once cupcakes are cooled start melting flesh color chocolate for baby, once melted cut a small slit in cupcake where pacifier will go. now u can spoon on chocolate or its easier to turn cupcake upside down dip and turn as soon as you take out of chocolate, carefully add your pacifier chocolate hardens fast. Once you got those done refridgerate about 10minutes so you can decorate as you like, you can easily add eye ball candies but this was fast and easy ( & I made 100).
  3. for the baby rattles start by cutting and tying ribbon on suckers first that's the most time consuming. Same process for dipping the cupcakes refridgerate 10minutes before you decorate so chocolate hardens decorate as you like.Insert suckers.Great little cute cupcakes..
  4. NOTE* once chocolates heated better to frost before chocolate hardens or do In smaller batches.
  5. this recipe makes 24 cupcakes.

Thank you For exploring our simple site about Baby Shower Cucakes*, may our cooking recipe of Baby Shower Cucakes* usefull and work :) and please take our other recipe collection, there are over million Best recipes such as Baby Shower Cucakes* with 8 Ingredients And 5 recipe directions are available just for us

#How To Cook Baby Shower Cucakes*, Cooking Baby Shower Cucakes*, #Simple Recipe Baby Shower Cucakes*, #Simple direction Baby Shower Cucakes*, #Homemade Baby Shower Cucakes*, #Step by step cooking Baby Shower Cucakes*, #Delicous Baby Shower Cucakes*, #How To Make Baby Shower Cucakes*, #Food Baby Shower Cucakes*


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