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Best Recipe: Ray's' Mexican Pepita Pasta

Ray's' Mexican Pepita Pasta, It Needs prepare 11 Ingredients And 2 Steps

Ok now Cooking Direction Of Ray's' Mexican Pepita Pasta

Ray's' Mexican Pepita Pasta We can cook Ray's' Mexican Pepita Pasta by using 11 ingredients and 2 steps. Here is how you cook Ray's' Mexican Pepita Pasta.

Ingredients of Ray's' Mexican Pepita Pasta

  1. You need to prepare of pasta cooked as directed.
  2. Prepare of Black olives.
  3. Prepare of corn drained.
  4. Prepare of cotija mexican cheese.
  5. You need to prepare of parmesan cheese.
  6. Prepare of chopped cilantro.
  7. You need to prepare of Sunflower or pumpkin kernels.
  8. You need to prepare of tajin fruit seasoning.
  9. You need to prepare of parsley flakes.
  10. You need to prepare of of sun dried roasted tomatoes.
  11. Prepare of El Territo restraunt Pepita dressing.

Ray's' Mexican Pepita Pasta instructions

  1. cook pasta as directed, drain add to bowl.Now drain corn & olives, add along with all other ingredients mix well and chill in fridge. Garnish with avocados..
  2. Pepita dressing is your choice how much you like. Enjoy.

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